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Главная » 2012 » Июль » 14 » Edraw Soft Edraw Max Portable
Edraw Soft Edraw Max Portable

Edraw Max - многофункциональная программа для рисования диаграмм, графиков, бизнес планов и т.д. Программа обладает функциями, которые делают её идеальным решением не только для профессионально-выглядящих блок-схем, организационных схем, сетевых диаграмм и бизнес карт, но также и для построения планов, UML диаграмм, трудового процесса, структур программ, сетевых диаграмм, чартов и графики, указательных карт и диаграмм баз данных.

Благодаря более 4500 встроенным векторным символам, которые понадобятся вам при создании диаграмм и графиков, рисование никогда не было таким легким. Вы сможете делать широкий спектр бизнес-схем и презентаций на основе встроенных в программу шаблонов и примеров. Программа поддерживает работу с вкладками, благодаря чему вы сможете работать с несколькими проектами из одного окна одновременно.

Edraw Max enables students, teachers and business professionals to reliably create and publish kinds of diagrams to represent any ideas. It's an all-in-one graphics software that makes it simple to create professional-looking flowcharts, organizational charts, network diagrams, business presentations, building plans, mind maps, fashion designs, UML diagrams, workflows, program structures, web design diagrams, electrical engineering diagrams, directional maps, database diagrams and more. With large pre-drawn libraries and more than 4600 vector symbols, drawing couldn't be easier! Edraw Max lets you create a wide range of diagrams using templates, shapes, and drawing tools while working in an intuitive and familiar Office-style environment.

- The UI is MS Office 2010 style like. Full ribbon features.
- Added Themes, Color Themes, Effects and Fonts. Easy to change the whole diagram by changing the active theme. With the new Theme feature, you can format the colors and effects in an entire diagram with a single click.
- Real-time previews. When you scroll over the various galleries in Edraw, you'll see your drawings and various objects change to display what they'll look like if you decide to apply those settings. Just click on the thumbnail in the gallery to actually accept the changes. This makes it a lot faster to see, for example, how changing a color scheme will affect your drawings.
- Quick layouts and quick styles. These provide quick formatting options for the object in question, and make it easy to create good-looking slides with just a few clicks.
- Put Edraw graphics into Word, Excel, PowerPoint with one-click buttons.
- Text objects supported line space, bullet, Indent, back color, super script, sub script and more.
- Shadows in general are so very nice compared to those in previous versions. We can actually control the transparency, amount of blur, and color now.
- Shape and text presets make it really easy to apply a preset look to an object or text.
- It's quicker to zoom in and out now using the zoom slider in the southeast corner of the screen.
- Table support.
- Recolor picture, Light and Contrast, transparent PNG support.
- Opened the Shape Sheet for senior users to create more complicated shapes.
- More 2000 clip arts.
- Improved the Insert Hyperlink function.
- Improved the Print function. Support more page sizes such as A0, A1. You can also print the large size graphics in separate pages.
- Persistent undo and redo.
- High quality graphic export.
- Vector-based
- Edraw Max is a vector-based diagramming software, which means whatever size you change the diagram, it will always keep high quality.
- Easy and friendly UI
- Edraw UI is MS Office-style like, it's easy to learn and use. If you are familiar with MS Office, you are familiar with Edraw quickly.
- Work with MS Office well
- Edraw provides several ways to cooperate with MS Office system.
- You can copy the selected shapes then paste it into MS Office document.
- You can insert the Edraw OLE object in MS Office application.
- You also can export the drawings to generics graphic formats such as jpg, tif, bmp. Then switch to MS Office and insert the picture.
- Support almost all kinds of graphics formats
- Supports almost all the generics graphics formats, it can export or import those common graphics formats, like bmp, gif, dib, png, tif, wmf, emf, html and so on.
- Save as exe file and share it with anyone without Edraw
- You can save your drawing file to exe format and share it with anyone you want, even it has no Edraw installed.
- Provide drawing tools like Illustrator
- Provides a set of drawing tools like Adobe Illustrator, with those tools you can draw your own shapes or change the shapes in library.
- Distribute shapes automatically
- Edraw can help you align and arrange all shapes automatically, this will speed your working.
- Strong style system and plenty of beautiful build-in styles
- Edraw has an easy and quick style system, and provides a lot of pre-defined styles, which can help you make your diagram beautiful and personal in short time.
- Abundant libraries and templates involving kinds of fields
- Provide abundant libraries and templates include flowcharts, organizational charts, build plans, network diagrams and more.
- Define and manage your own libraries and templates
- You can draw your own shapes and documents save as libraries and templates, and use them as pre-defined libraries and templates.

Информация о программе:
Год выхода: 2012
Платформа: Windows XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: English
Таблетка: вшита
Размер файла: 49.7 Mb
Формат файла: Rar
Информация для воссстановления: 5%
архив не запаролен

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